We charge a fee for pre-purchase inspection and reports, and pre-sale inspection and reports, this is for two reasons, firstly on occasions when we find severe problems with a property and raise the alarm bells, people often back out of the purchase.
This means we would have covered the cost of sending our professional surveyors to a property without even having a chance to quote for the work, creating an overhead which would have to be covered by increasing the cost of other people’s jobs. We are sure you will agree this is not fair.
We are sure you will also agree it is worth paying for an expert to find these problems before you enter into a contract to buy a property, giving you a chance to negotiate over price before completion, rather than facing a huge bill to put things right after you have bought the property.
Our current charge for Inspections/reports are as follows:
We will examine external walls/masonry for signs of cracking which can be caused by defective wall-ties, defective lintels and or building movement.
Damp Inspection – £240.00 + VAT
- Penetrating Damp
- Rising Damp
- Condensation/black mould
Timber Inspection – £350.00 + VAT
- Wood boring insect infestation (Woodworm)
- Fungal decay (Wet Rot and Dry Rot)
Structure Inspection – £100.00 + VAT
- Structural cracking
- Wall Tie defects
Combined inspections:
Timber and damp Inspection – £480.00 + VAT
- Combination of timber and damp inspections above
Full survey (including all of above) £600.00 + VAT
- Combination of all specific defect inspections
Additional costs
The above inspections are based on a time basis based on covering anything up to an average two storey 3 bed house consisting of up to 10 rooms including attached garages, toilets, bathrooms, landings and hallways.
Properties with Additional rooms are charged at the above rates plus 10% per additional room.
Detached outbuildings and garages count towards rooms of the inspection and are also charged at an additional 10% per room.
Calcium carbide test: this is a specialist materials analysis to accurately determine the level of moisture in the mortar of a masonry wall – £100.00 + VAT.
Re-visit: this is where a inspection of a suspect area is required following receipt of written permission from the vendor, to open up an area where damage may be caused in doing so – £80.00 + VAT.